2024 Grandview Parkway Reconstruction (MDOT)
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will begin their 2.2 mile rebuild of US-31/Grandview Parkway/Front Street between Garfield Avenue and Division Street on March 10, 2024. This project will result in operational enhancements of the Downtown intersections of Front Street and Hall (among others), drainage improvements, Americans with Disabilities Act review and upgrades, repairs to the Murchie Bridge over the Boardman River and new signs and pavement markings.
The project will be divided into two segments. The first segment, Garfield Avenue to Front Streets is expected to take place from March 2024 to July 2024. The second segment, Front Street to Division Street is expected to take place from July 2024 to November 2024.
The DDA, in collaboration with the City, will be working closely with MDOT and Team Elmers to provide the latest updates throughout the reconstruction project.
Segment One, Phase One. March 10th
Beginning Sunday evening, crews from Team Elmers will begin work on US-31/Front Street from east of Grandview Parkway to Garfield Avenue and on M-37 from Front Street north to Peninsula Drive and on the Murchie Bridge. Work items include setting up traffic controls and barrier wall, material deliveries, pavement and sidewalk removals, storm sewer and sanitary sewer installation, and water main installation.
Work will be conducted for 24 hours each day, through the evening of Friday, March 15th. The location of this work will be on the two eastbound lanes of Front Street from Grandview Parkway to Peninsula Drive, all lanes of Front Street from Peninsula Drive to Garfield Avenue, the Front Street and Garfield Avenue intersection, and north on Garfield to Peninsula Drive.
Pedestrian Detour
As the roadway and sidewalks will be removed during this first phase of construction, and the roadway will not be traversable, northbound and southbound pedestrians on the west side of the closure will be detoured on East State Street, Railroad Street, East Front Street, Park Street, along the TART Trail, and Front Street. The Murchie Bridge walkway will be closed during the first phase of bridge work. Pedestrian detour signs will be posted.
Vehicular Detour
As work begins on this segment, westbound traffic will be detoured on Eighth Street and Railroad Avenue; eastbound traffic will be detoured on Peninsula Drive, Eastern Avenue and Milliken Drive. Northbound and southbound M-37/Garfield Avenue traffic will be detoured on Eastern Avenue, Milliken Drive, US-31/Front Street, Fair Street, and Eighth Street.
Downtown Is Open!
While this project will provide some much-needed road improvements (and pedestrian amenities), we understand it will be a significant disruption to downtown. In response, we are working with our partner Greenlight Marketing to implement a multifaceted “worth the detour” public awareness, promotional and communication plan throughout the construction project, including the following components.
Special Wayfinding Signage
Unique downtown wayfinding signs will be placed at key locations near and along the detour route.
We have purchased several “the construction is temporary the memories are forever” billboards in and around key entryways into the Traverse City throughout the duration of the reconstruction project to promote.
Bus Wraps
We have purchased unique wraps for two BATA busses that highlight the Destination Downtown Program and their ability to use BATA to get downtown.
Print and Social Media
We will be implementing a “red-carpet” promotional campaign, that will include photos and videos of a people walking (or dancing) down an actual red-carpet at downtown retail and restaurant locations.
Print and Radio Marketing
We will be implementing a series of radio spots that highlight all the different shopping experiences downtown as well as print ads that highlight downtown and the ability to “park once and walk” from the parking structures.
DDA Website and Email Communication
The most current and up-to-date information about the reconstruction project will be posted on this website and communicated through regular emails.
Information about the project will also be posted on the City’s website: https://www.traversecitymi.gov/ Information is also posted on the MDOT’s website: https://www.michigan.gov/mdot/projects-studies/us-route-construction/us31-m72-rebuilding-project-traverse-city