Timeline of DDA Projects
DDA established by the Traverse City City Commission
DDA sponsors first phase of river walk along the Boardman River
Sara Hardy Downtown Farmers Market begins and later management is assumed by the DDA
City establishes TIF 2 Development Plan for redevelopment of the Ironworks property
DDA receives Coastal Zone funds for riverwalk project
DDA receives funds for Pedestrian Bridge over the Boardman River in the 200 block of Front Street
DDA works in conjunction with Traverse City Light & Power and Chamber of Commerce to bury power lines in the 100, 200 and 300 blocks of Front Street
Front Street streetscape and parking project approved by DDA and City Commission, and bonds issued for implementation
DDA and DTCA sign joint management agreement for marketing promotions and special events
Wellington Street project completed
DDA agrees to manage City Opera House
DDA commissioned Hyett-Palma, Inc. Downtown Retail Market Analysis completed
DDA begins to manage the parking system for the City of Traverse City.
$10,850 in improvements made to the Farmers Market
DDA makes parking lot and signage improvements
DDA receives grant for acquisition of land for Visitor’s Center
$833,301 Union and Cass streetscape project awarded, $224,823 of TIF funds pledged by the DDA
DDA establishes the Union Street Sidewalk Art Project
DDA sells land to Traverse City Convention and Visitor’s Bureau for Visitor’s Center for $1
Additional bike racks and benches purchased and installed
Eighth Street project, Union to Lake Street, completed, funded by TIF
TIF 97 Development Plan approved by City Commission
River’s Edge development agreement approved
Evaluation of the Park Street Deck project begins
DDA provides analysis of riverwalk wall and alley extension for State Theater project
Initial utilities work completed for River’s Edge project
$37,400 authorized for design and engineering work related to the alley behind the State Theater project
City Center streetscape improvements completed
Rivers Edge West Riverwalk and Cass Street Streetscapes
Much of the downtown is designated as an Historical District, preserving the character of the area
Third major street overhaul for DDA – State Street Streetscape, funded by TIF and a grant from MDOT
Farmers Market Plan adopted; new rules for farmers market include emphasizing area growers
Completion of $8.3 million in parking deck and utilities improvements in 540 space Larry C. Hardy Parking Deck.
DDA installs pedestrian directories
“Your Bay, Your Say” waterfront master plan planning process involves the community in connecting the downtown to the waterfront
TIF 97 Plan amended to help fund City Opera House renovation
Downtown Market Analysis completed assessing retail, office, and housing markets
The DDA hires local firm Corbin Design to implement a comprehensive Wayfinding signage program
After 18 years of managing the City Opera House, the DDA “spins off” responsibility to a non-profit, the City Opera House Heritage Association
DDA replaces holiday lights with energy efficient LED lights
DDA applies and receives designation from the American Planning Association making Front Street a Great Street of America
The $7 million Old Town Parking Deck with 520 spaces is completed and opens just in time for the Traverse City Film Festival and to serve the employees and customers of the Old Town District.
DDA begins accepting food assistance programs at the Sara Hardy Downtown Farmers Market
DDA assumes cost for roof replacement at the City Opera House from the TIF 97 fund.
Parking lot signage is replaced to compliment the Wayfinding system
84 street trees are replaced in the DDA District
DDA contributes $1,000,000 from the TIF 97 fund to the bay front redevelopment project. Dollars were also allocated to improvements made to the Pedestrian Tunnel at Cass St.
DDA installs a complimentary WiFi system within the district
A community wide survey is conducted in preparation for the redevelopment of the Sara Hardy Downtown Farmers Market
Drafted by the DDA, a Public Art Ordinance is adopted by the City of Traverse City and the Traverse City Arts Commission is created.
Streetscapes are installed along Cass near the Old Town Corners development
The DDA creates in an official capacity, the Farmers Market Advisory Board of Directors
A new website is launched for Downtown Traverse City.
The Pine Street Pedestrian Way is completed and opens to the public. A pedestrian bridge across the Boardman River was a goal of the DDA’s to create to a better connection from Front Street to the Warehouse District.
Garland Street is reconstructed and designed as a woonerf, a Dutch term meaning shared street, pedestrian friendly and low speed.
The Old Town TIF plan is approved and adopted by City Commission.
Public access to the Boardman River at the Uptown Development is constructed and open.
Park Street is reconstructed to include streetscapes on the west side of the street and a crosswalk is installed mid block.
A mid block crosswalk is installed on the 300 block of E. Front Street.
The Bryan Crough Memorial, a public art piece that the DDA helped fundraise with a grant from Rotary Charities, was installed at Lay Park.
A Strategic Plan for the next 5 years was adopted by the DDA Board of Directors and annual work plan was developed.
Public Restrooms were constructed on Park Street.
The Lower Boardman River Leadership Team was formed.
The Parking Advisory Sub-Committee was formed.
A $1,000,000 grant was awarded from the Traverse City Rotary Club toward the development of Rotary Square, a civic square in the heart of Downtown TC.
Reconstruction of Lake Avenue with sidewalks, improved crosswalks, street trees, and sanitary and storm water improvements was completed.
Launched a new websites, including DDA, DTCA, Parking, and Lower Boardman River.
Launched Destination Downtown.
Entered into agreement with City of Traverse City to manage the Traverse City Arts Commission.
Installed the Then & Now Project throughout Downtown Traverse City.
Installed the Mezinaadin Exhibition in the Clinch Park Tunnel.
Launched a Residential Parking Permit Program.
A joint effort with the Traverse City Police Department to hire a Community Police Officer.
Invested $16,000 into new holiday lighting.